Welcome to Rossville Elementary School, Home of the Hornets! I am Chad Dennison, proud principal of our school family. Rossville Elementary is a place where kids come first. This motto includes academics and social emotional learning opportunities. This is our daily mission as we serve our students, families, and community.
Rossville Elementary School serves PK-5th grade. Yearly, we have roughly 445 students and 27 certified teachers along with 12-15 support staff serving our family. We are a very unique building that shares hallways with our Middle/High School. This allows us to watch our students grow from tiny Hornets to graduates. What a great opportunity for us and our students!
Rossville Elementary School is an outstanding school with solid core values:
Environment--We value a safe, secure, and trusting environment.
Diversity--We value difference among our students and staff.
Academic Excellence--We value rigorous educational experiences.
Again, welcome to Rossville Elementary School. We promise to be the best we can be for your child. Enjoy your time with us!
If you have any questions or would like to set up a tour of our school, please feel free to contact me at either cdennison@rcsd.k12.in.us or at 765-379-2119 ext. 310
Humbly serving,
Chad Dennison